Much prior to Vijay’s 50th film Sura would hit screens, the actor has already completed the first schedule for Kavalkaran. Followed by Vettaikaran, Vijay has once again chosen the title of yesteryear MGR film Kavalkaran. The actor reasserts that choosing the yesteryear titles of superstars’ films gains more prominence for his films.
As known earlier, Kavalkaran is a remake of Malayalam film Bodyguard (Dileep and Nayantara in lead roles). The film is directed by Siddique and marks the comeback of Asin in Tamil film industry.
The first schedule has been shot across the locales of Kumbakonam, Kaaraikudi and Pollachi. According to the buzz, yesteryear actors Raj Kiran and Roja seem to have been signed for this film for enacting the role of Asin’s parents. Followed by the grand success, Ghilli and Kuruvi, music director Vidyasagar has scored music for this Vijay’s film.